Saturday, September 21, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Return Wounded Knee to the Lakota People
Return Wounded Knee, South Dakota, to the Lakota People! Sign this
petition to appeal to the Governor of South Dakota, 605-773-3212, and
to President Obama,, to collaborate with the
Lakota People on regaining the ownership of Wounded Knee and helping
them honor this sacred land where 300 of their beloved family members
were massacred by the US military in 1890.
Petition Background
Lakota descendents of Wounded Knee should be respected as massacre survivors. Return all of Wounded Knee land to them instead of placing 80 acres of it on public sale beginning May 1st for an unaffordable $4.9 million (worth $14.000) for commercial and tourist development. Call South Dakota Governor, 605-773-3212 to stop this sale for the sake of Wounded Knee descendents. Email President Barack Obama,, to work in collaboration with the Lakota people for a national monument at Wounded Knee, respecting the traditional approach and opinions of the Lakota descendants in honoring their beloved grandfathers, grandmothers and family members decimated and afflicted in the Wounded Knee massacre. Don’t hesitate to give your words, spoken and written, to prevent its commercialization. The public sale has begun. Do something now in support of returning Wounded Knee to the Lakota People!
Go to: to sign petition.
Wounded Knee Historic Site Now for Sale on the Open Market -- ICTMN --
Sale of 'Wounded Knee' Massacre Site Extended -- ABC News --
Lakota descendents of Wounded Knee should be respected as massacre survivors. Return all of Wounded Knee land to them instead of placing 80 acres of it on public sale beginning May 1st for an unaffordable $4.9 million (worth $14.000) for commercial and tourist development. Call South Dakota Governor, 605-773-3212 to stop this sale for the sake of Wounded Knee descendents. Email President Barack Obama,, to work in collaboration with the Lakota people for a national monument at Wounded Knee, respecting the traditional approach and opinions of the Lakota descendants in honoring their beloved grandfathers, grandmothers and family members decimated and afflicted in the Wounded Knee massacre. Don’t hesitate to give your words, spoken and written, to prevent its commercialization. The public sale has begun. Do something now in support of returning Wounded Knee to the Lakota People!
Go to: to sign petition.
Wounded Knee Historic Site Now for Sale on the Open Market -- ICTMN --
Sale of 'Wounded Knee' Massacre Site Extended -- ABC News --
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Lakota activists: Buy Wounded Knee, face protests
Nathan Blindman, Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge Reservation
in South Dakota, informed attendants at the 2013 Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers
Gathering in Council Grove, Kansas, on April 28th, that Wounded Knee on Lakota
land would be put on sale on Wed, May !st, by the non-Indian owner who is
selling it for $4.9 million, with the county appraisal at $14,000, with
hopes to develop it into a tourist site. This sacred ground of the
1890 Wounded Knee massacre and further tragic uprising in 1973 needs to be
returned to the Lakota people still mourning the loss of their innocent men,
women and children massacred by United States military upon their own
Those attending and sponsoring the Flint Hills Wisdom
Keepers Gathering, 75 people, wish to go on record in support of the
Lakota people regaining their land immediately through a reasonable sale that
they can afford or with help from the government that took their land
away. This latest earthshattering news of the fate being
thrust upon Wounded Knee on May 1st has been broadcast nationally and
internationally (New York Times, the BBC, Al
Jazeera, and the Australian Broadcasting Company) in the
last few days and needs immediate action from US citizens to respect and
uphold the rights of the First Americans on this land.
The afflictions of genocide, manipulation, and neglect
must be stopped and reversed for the Lakota people, starting immediately with
the return of Wounded Knee!
Call Governor of South Dakota, Dennis Daugaard, at
605-773-3212, and tell him not to allow commercial selling of Wounded
Knee by and to return this burial ground to its rightful
owners as anyone would respect the cemetary of their parents and
ancestors. Who would allow the sale of their parents' cemetary to be
turned into a tourist site?!!
Give your words, spoken and written, to prevent the
commercialization of Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Do it now.....May 1st is
one day away!! Don't delay and don't give up in support of the Lakota
Lakota activists: Buy Wounded Knee, face protests
Tensions have been simmering in Indian Country ever since the landowner, James Czywczynski, 75, announced his plan to sell the land two months ago. Czywczynski offered to sell the parcel, and another in Porcupine Butte, to the Oglala Lakota Nation for $4.9 million dollars. If they didn't buy before May 1, he warned, he would sell to the highest private bidder. Tribal officials have consistently scorned the price and deadline, which they view as bordering on extortion. The properties have a combined value of about $14,000, according to an appraisal by Shannon County.
Now, with the May 1 deadline only days away and no tribal deal in sight, some Lakota are offering their own warning to Czywczynski: "This is our backyard; this is our homeland," said Garfield Steele, a tribal representative. "This has historical value for our people, not to any non-Indian. We will fight to keep it, as is, by all means. "Steele said that opposition could include protests to stop the land from being converted into a tourist attraction. Many Lakota oppose commercial development because they see it as an exploitation of a tragedy.
Protests promised
The land is currently desolate prairie, but it formerly hosted a trading post and several houses owned by Czywczynski before they were burned down during a protest by Native Americans in 1973. Don Cuny, 61, a member of the American Indian Movement and a protester in 1973, pledged to stage a sit-in if the land was developed. "I'm totally against it," he said. "And I know I'm not the only one."
Czywczynski's offer, and the controversy surrounding it, has attracted national and international attention. Over the past month, he has conducted interviews with the New York Times, the BBC, Al Jazeera, and the Australian Broadcasting Company. Asked on Friday whether he was concerned about protests, Czywczynski was nonchalant. "Let them protest," he said Friday. "I don't care."
Czywczynski reiterated that he believed the tribe had ample money to meet his $4.9 million list price. He said that the price was fair given the potential for the tribe to convert it into a commercial venture. Before his trading post was burned down in 1973, he said, it was a profitable endeavor that attracted busloads of tourists each week. "They just wanted to see Indian land, the mass grave, they wanted to buy arts and crafts," he said. "A lot of people are just interested in Indians and Indian culture."
Czywczynski said he has been contacted by five parties who want to purchase his parcel: Two California investment groups, an overseas investor, an American who offered $1 million in cash, and a group in Wall that wants to raise grant money to buy the land and gift it to the Lakota. Czywczynski said he told each party that he won't consider any offers until after May 1. He also said he would only sell the Wounded Knee parcel and the other parcel, located at Porcupine Butte, as a package deal and for no less than $4.9 million.
Legal action possible?
Beyond protests, some Lakota hope to stop the sale by different means.
Nathan Blindman, a descendant of one of the survivors of the 1890 massacre, wants to take it to the courts. Blindman said the Bureau of Indian Affairs made a mistake when it approved the original sale of land from its Lakota owners to a non-native couple in 1930. That couple, the Gildersleeve family, sold the property to Czywczynski in 1968. The agency is required to approve sales of Indian land to private buyers.
Blindman, pointing to documents from the 1930 sale, said that the agency neglected to consider the property's historical value and didn't consult tribal leaders. "It's always been suspicious how part of the Wounded Knee Massacre site fell into the hands of non-Indians," he said. "That's always been a question." He said the federal government should step in to return the land to the Lakota.
But Frank Pommersheim, a law professor at the University of South Dakota, said the courts are unlikely to be convinced by that argument. Pommersheim said if the Bureau of Indian Affairs incorrectly appraised the value of the property in 1930, it was likely that too much time had passed to challenge it under the statute of limitations. "Even assuming that to be true, it's difficult to know what could be done in the year 2013," he said.
Cris Stainbrook, president of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation, based in Minnesota, also believes that Blindman's legal challenge would be a long shot. However, he said he believes the commercial potential of the property has been heavily over-hyped. He doubts that Czywczynski will ever get the $4.9 million he is seeking. "He's done everything he can to pitch the thing and keep the media hype up," he said. "Don't get me wrong, Wounded Knee is an important site for Lakota people, at the same time, lets get real, it's not as though this is a developable property in any significant way."
Fears were high that a buyer would convert the land into a casino or hotel. But Stainbrook said, given the site's proximity to a mass burial, he just couldn't see it. "If someone's going to make a Disneyland type of attraction, what's the theme going to be?" he said. "I'm trying to envision who would be so crass to make much of a tourist attraction."
Friday, April 19, 2013
Last chance to register without surcharge!
Today is the last day to register for the Flint Hills Wisdom
Keepers Gathering without a 10% registration surcharge. If you have been inclined to register but "not just yet", this is the
time to make it happen! If at all interested, call our registrar, Diane Barker, 785-539-9163 or email Register online at:
This will be a great Gathering of American Indian Elders from across
the country sharing their traditional ways and teaching us
about preserving and honoring our Mother Earth.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
2013 Gathering Registration
Friday, April 26 to Monday, April 29, 2013
Your registration fee
covers all
scheduled activities, lodging, and meals during the gathering.
There are several registration options available to
accommodate participant schedule preference or general need:
Option 1--Arrive Friday
after 3 pm
depart Monday after breakfast. This option includes three nights
lodging and eight meals.
Option 2--Arrive Friday
after 3 pm
and depart Sunday evening. This option includes two nights
lodging and seven meals.
Option 3--Saturday-day
This no-lodging option includes three meals.
Option 4--Sunday-day
pass. This
no-lodging option includes three meals.
In order to determine the appropriate registration fee amount, download the registration form and use the registration fee matrix table. For Options 1 and 2, if you will be arriving late Friday evening after dinner, please indicate such on your registration form or let us know a week in advance so that camp kitchen staff can plan meals accordingly.
Please make sure to send
registration form and payment as early as possible for our
planning purposes. Depending upon the option selected, EACH
Any balance
due is to be paid at the time of check in at the Gathering.
make checks payable to Wisdom
Gathering 2013,
and mail your registration form and payment to:
Wisdom Keepers Gathering 2013and mail your registration form and payment to:
C/O Diane Barker, Board Secretary
4872 Tall Grass Rd
Manhattan, KS 66503-8449
If you are unable to
submit your
registration form and payment (full or discounted registration, or
deposit) by the April 19, 2013 deadline but are planning to attend,
please email or phone
Diane Barker to reserve your spot. Space is limited which means all
registrations are first come first serve. Please note a 10% surcharge
fee will be added to any late registration after the deadline.
Upon receipt of your registration form and
payment, you will soon be sent a confirmation letter with detailed
information and instructions, as well as a map to the camp. At the
discretion of the Elders, we may also include a questionnaire in your
information packet with a couple of questions the Elders would like for
you to answer in advance of the Gathering.
A note
from the Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Foundation Board of Directors:
As many of you know
having attended
past Gatherings, the Board has worked very hard to keep registration
costs both affordable and relatively stable. By doing so, our intention
is to encourage participation from those of all walks of life while
still being able to cover our basic operating expenses and offer an honorarium to our
and other special guests as a gesture of our collective gratitude.
As you are willing and able, we would certainly appreciate
added donation with your registration payment or deposit. We are a
not-for-profit organization that would be truly humbled by any offer of
donation to help us fulfill and sustain our mission for many years to
come. Thank you for your kind consideration.
For more
Diane Barker, Board Secretary
P: 785-539-9163
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Now Showing: For The Next 7 Generations
Movie presenting indigenous female elders from The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Sponsored by:
KSU Native American Student Association (NASA)
KSU American Ethnic Studies
KSU Women's Studies
KSU English Department
Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Foundation
See Trailer:
Movie presenting indigenous female elders from The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Sponsored by:
KSU Native American Student Association (NASA)
KSU American Ethnic Studies
KSU Women's Studies
KSU English Department
Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Foundation
See Trailer:
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Gathering -- Program Update
Join us for our annual gathering in the Flint Hills of Kansas to both share and find inspiration.
Besides our previously announced 2013 Native American Elders and Presenters, we are very honored that The International Council of Thirteen Grandmothers will be represented at our Gathering by:
Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance (Oglala Lakota)
Contact Diane Barker at or call 785-539-9163 with any questions.
Go to for registration information. Be sure to periodically check website for program changes/updates. ~SPONSORED BY THE FLINT HILLS WISDOM KEEPERS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS~
Follow us on Twitter @fhwisdomkeepers or join the conversation on our Blog at
More Information regarding The International Council of Thirteen Grandmothers is available on their website at
Besides our previously announced 2013 Native American Elders and Presenters, we are very honored that The International Council of Thirteen Grandmothers will be represented at our Gathering by:
Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance (Oglala Lakota)
Contact Diane Barker at or call 785-539-9163 with any questions.
Go to for registration information. Be sure to periodically check website for program changes/updates. ~SPONSORED BY THE FLINT HILLS WISDOM KEEPERS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS~
Follow us on Twitter @fhwisdomkeepers or join the conversation on our Blog at
More Information regarding The International Council of Thirteen Grandmothers is available on their website at
Featured Activities of 2013: Auction "Fun"raiser
Typically, the last activity we enjoy as a group is a fundraising auction held on Sunday evening after dinner. For those who have experienced a past FHWK auction, all would attest to the fun had by every person in the room. It is even a chance to hone your competitive bidding skills on those items you just cannot live without! All of the funds generated are used to directly support the Elders through honorariums and to cover other Gathering expenses.
Although not necessary for participation in the auction, we do accept your generous donation of items to go up for auction. In past years, there has been large variety of items donated…enlightening books, beautiful jewelry works-of-art, handmade “spirit-inspired” sacred rattle, snow snake (what every grown-up kid needs), pottery, clothing, and the list goes on and on. Think of it as an opportunity to practice sustainable living where items collecting dust at home are repurposed or reused by another!
Please bring some cash or a check to cover your auction “booty”! The Board thanks you in advance for your generosity of item donations. Your participation in the auction will help to make this and future Gatherings possible.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Featured Activities of 2013: Drum Workshop
For those interested,
Rick McBride, a
mixedblood Tsalagi (Cherokee), will
lead a drum workshop on Saturday evening during the
Each participant will learn to make their own personal hand drum using
either a 14-inch round or 15-inch octagonal custom-built frame (nominal
sizes). Rick will explain the sacred nature of this special
instrument and help you understand how to make the connection between
your drum and the beat of your heart. For more
and to register, go to
Space is limited so make
sure to act soon!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Featured Activities of 2013 -- Special Guest
Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance
– During our Gathering in 2012, we hosted a screening of the film
For the Next 7 Generations, an acclaimed documentary produced and
directed by Carole Hart, which captures the essence of the “13
Grandmothers” who have come together from all corners of the
globe for the common purpose of helping to bring awareness, respect,
and healing to our Mother Earth. The film truly resonated with those
Gathering participants able to attend the screening. Since then, we
sponsored a second screening on the campus of Kansas State University
to share their extraordinary vision in restoring balance to our Mother
earth for the sake of many generations to come.
This year, we are immensely honored to have with us, one of the “13 Grandmothers”, Grandmother Rita, who will be accompanied by her son, Nathan Blindman, also featured in the film. Grandmother Rita and her sister, Grandmother Beatrice, are part of a group of thirteen indigenous grandmothers who came together in 2004 from around the world to form an alliance for the good of all beings.
In their mission statement, they declare: WE, THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THIRTEEN INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS, represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life. We believe the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future. We look to further our vision through the realization of projects that protect our diverse cultures: lands, medicines, language and ceremonial ways of prayer and through projects that educate and nurture our children. More information regarding The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers is available on their website at

Let us raise our voices with them in their prayer for peace and unity of purpose. Let us be inspired to take on the challenge of this urgent mission to heal our world. Let us find that kernel of grandmother wisdom within each and every one of us. Let us act accordingly with our seed of wisdom, exceeding our human potential.
This year, we are immensely honored to have with us, one of the “13 Grandmothers”, Grandmother Rita, who will be accompanied by her son, Nathan Blindman, also featured in the film. Grandmother Rita and her sister, Grandmother Beatrice, are part of a group of thirteen indigenous grandmothers who came together in 2004 from around the world to form an alliance for the good of all beings.
In their mission statement, they declare: WE, THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THIRTEEN INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS, represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life. We believe the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future. We look to further our vision through the realization of projects that protect our diverse cultures: lands, medicines, language and ceremonial ways of prayer and through projects that educate and nurture our children. More information regarding The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers is available on their website at
Let us raise our voices with them in their prayer for peace and unity of purpose. Let us be inspired to take on the challenge of this urgent mission to heal our world. Let us find that kernel of grandmother wisdom within each and every one of us. Let us act accordingly with our seed of wisdom, exceeding our human potential.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Elders and Presenters of 2013
Lloyd Elm -
Ganunsasay (New House) - Onondaga: (Lakota name: He stands with
children) Lloyd is a
credentialed educator with leading influence in both the academic and
traditional Native worlds. As a purposeful Sundancer, his personal
sacrifice and prayers have benefited many including the contemporary
Tibetan cause.
Della Romero -
Pueblo/Ute: Della is a Sundancer and pipe carrier. Della attended
past Wisdom Keepers gatherings at the request of deceased Wisdom
Keepers Elder, Grandmother Bertha Grove, who has designated Della to
carry on her work. Della's work as supervisor in family therapy
includes experiences with youth on her reservation and other Indian
centers. Her dedication to youth lends itself
to providing needed care and sharing of tribal traditions for the
coming Seven Generations.
Minisa Crumbo Halsey
- Wabaksekwe (Dawn
Woman) - Citizen Band Potawatomi/Muscogee Creek: Minisa brings
professional artistry from her Native
childhood home to her present professional practice in the arts of
painting, silversmithing, lapidary arts, ceramics, basketmaking,
beadwork, and quilting. She practices medicine work in
presenting traditional women's ways and endeavors to work in
harmony with the natural and spiritual elements of "Mother Earth and
Father Sky-Sun........that we might truly be alive in a living world."
Mike Bastine -
Algonquin: Mike is an Algonquin healer and former student of famous
Tuscarora medicine man Wallace “Mad Bear” Anderson and
Tuscarora healer Ted Williams. In 2011, he co-authored the book
entitled IROQUOIS Supernatural: Talking Animals and Medicine People
with Mason Winfield.
Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance - Oglala Lakota: Grandmother Rita has spent much of her life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. She is descended from Long Visitor and is a member of the Crazy Horse Band, named for the great warrior, Crazy Horse. Grandmother Rita is described as a Lakota keeper of the traditional ways, great grandmother, Native American Church elder, and beadworker. She is a member of the Council of Language Elders, focusing on Oglala Lakota language immersion and teaching their native tongue to both children and elders. Read more about Grandmother Rita, as our very special guest this year, on the Featured Activities page.
Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance - Oglala Lakota: Grandmother Rita has spent much of her life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. She is descended from Long Visitor and is a member of the Crazy Horse Band, named for the great warrior, Crazy Horse. Grandmother Rita is described as a Lakota keeper of the traditional ways, great grandmother, Native American Church elder, and beadworker. She is a member of the Council of Language Elders, focusing on Oglala Lakota language immersion and teaching their native tongue to both children and elders. Read more about Grandmother Rita, as our very special guest this year, on the Featured Activities page.
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