Thursday, May 2, 2013

Return Wounded Knee to the Lakota People

Return Wounded Knee, South Dakota, to the Lakota People! Sign this petition to appeal to the Governor of South Dakota, 605-773-3212, and to President Obama,, to collaborate with the Lakota People on regaining the ownership of Wounded Knee and helping them honor this sacred land where 300 of their beloved family members were massacred by the US military in 1890.

Petition Background
Lakota descendents of Wounded Knee should be respected as massacre survivors. Return all of Wounded Knee land to them instead of placing 80 acres of it on public sale beginning May 1st for an unaffordable $4.9 million (worth $14.000) for commercial and tourist development. Call South Dakota Governor, 605-773-3212 to stop this sale for the sake of Wounded Knee descendents. Email President Barack Obama,, to work in collaboration with the Lakota people for a national monument at Wounded Knee, respecting the traditional approach and opinions of the Lakota descendants in honoring their beloved grandfathers, grandmothers and family members decimated and afflicted in the Wounded Knee massacre. Don’t hesitate to give your words, spoken and written, to prevent its commercialization. The public sale has begun. Do something now in support of returning Wounded Knee to the Lakota People!

Go to: to sign petition.

Wounded Knee Historic Site Now for Sale on the Open Market -- ICTMN -- 

Sale of 'Wounded Knee' Massacre Site Extended -- ABC News --